Bells Used Plugin for MuseScore 1.2

Flexible Bells Used Information for Composers and Directors

This project is maintained by nbarnard

Bells Used Plugin for MuseScore 1.2

Bells Used Plugin is for MuseScore 1.2. It generates Bells Used information and can present it in a score format, a text file, or a CSV file for use with spreadsheet software.

Getting Started

To Install Bells Used Plugin:

  1. Download the ZIP file.
  2. Unzip the file.
  3. Close MuseScore.
  4. Place the files in the MuseScore Plugin Directory.
  5. Load MuseScore.
  6. The plugin can be accessed from the Plugin->Bells Used Menu

Using the Plugin

When you are ready to create a Bells Used Chart, select it from the plugin menu:Bells Used Menu Location: Plugin->Bells Used->Create Bells Used

There are several options that can be selected each time the plugin is run. By default the plugin will store your last used options.


By default the Bells Used Plugin will create a new score:Dialog at defaults

By default the plugin will create a score with the Piano as the instrument. See Blank Name Instrument to create a score without the Piano name.

Plain Text

Dialog with Text Selected

When Plain Text output is selected there are two additional options available:


Dialog with CSV Selected

When CSV output is selected, all the plain text options are available, and an additional option is available:

Bells Not Used

Bells Not Used is a companion plugin that will output the bells not used. The plugin will automatically detect the minimum octave set required to play the piece, and it will print the notes that are not needed from this set. This plugin shares the default options with the Bells Used Plugin.


Preferences Dialog

The Bells Used Plugin has several options that you can set to streamline your workflow. These options affect both the Bells Used and the Bells Not Used options.

Blank Name Instrument

When creating a score bells used chart, the plugin selects Piano as the default instrument. (The preinstalled Handbell instrument is divided into two instruments, "High Hand Bells" and "Low Hand Bells".) The plugin can utilize an instrument with a blank name. This special instrument is included with the plugin in the instruments directory, to wit, instead of producing this:
Bells Used Chart utilizing Piano Instrument
the plugin will produce this:
Bells Used Chart utilizing Blank Name Instrument

Installing the Blank Name Instrument

If you have customized your instruments.xml file you must manually add the instrument from the "instruments/blankinstrument.xml" file. A majority of users have not customized their instruments.xml file.

If you have not customized your instruments.xml file, the plugin includes versions of the standard instruments.xml files with the blank name instrument added. To switch to utilizing this file instead of the built in file:

  1. From MuseScore open the Preferences Pane. (On Mac OS X: Select the MuseScore Menu then Preferences. On Windows or Linux: Select the Edit Menu then Preferences.)
  2. Select the General Tab.
  3. Click the folder icon next to Instrument List:MuseScore Preferences Pane
  4. Select the correct instruments.xml for your language. The instruments files are located in the /instruments/ folder in the MuseScore Plugin Directory.
  5. Save the preferences.

Score Output Quirks

When generating a score, the Bells Used Plugin generates a score that is visually correct when printed, but it needs several adjustments to achieve this presentation.

Bells Used Score Output Example

Questions and Answers

Why doesn't the plugin do everything Finale's Create Handbells Used Chart plug-in does?

The plugin does implement many of the features from Finale's Create Handbells Used Chart plug-in. In some cases it offers additional options, and in other cases it implements the most commonly used options. If you would like additional options, please email Nick Barnard with your request.

Why doesn't the plugin work on MuseScore 2.0?

At the moment, MuseScore 2.0 doesn't allow for plugins to have their own user interfaces. Once this functionality matures in MuseScore 2.0 a version will be offered for that system.

Why doesn't the plugin do X?

I'm not sure. There may or may not be a good reason, although we have already considered and rejected writing in a combination hooka and coffee maker, that also makes julienne fries! You're encouraged to request additional features, please email Nick Barnard with your ideas.

Version History